Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to get your ex back

If you are reading this, its probably because things aren't going very well right? Its really one of those times you can't believe its happening. Your lover announced you that they're breaking up with you...

First thing I would like to ask you to do before anything else is to calm down and relax. I know its really hard and your probably going crazy, thinking about him/her but all those worries are only gonna make things worse. Being depressed and constantly reminding yourself isn't gonna help. Get out of the depressing mood. Breath, its okay... Worries only make small things look big. Now lets forget a bit about what happened and put a smile on your face! Think positive!

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Okay now here is the first step you should do in order to get your ex back. If I was asking you in the beginning to be positive and be happy, here's the reason why. The first move you should do is accept the break up. Basically, you should e-mail your ex back, or talk to them and tell them that you are OK with the break up and that everything is fine now. Show them that now, you are a new person and that everything between you and him/her was the passed and that you both should move on.

I'm not asking you to go see them, start some hardcore argument and start screaming at them of course. Just talk to him/her like a friend and simply show them that you though about it and that you are OK with both of you not being together anymore.

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Now why? Why is your opening move showing that side of you? Simple. Because human beings always want what they can't have. Now that you showed them that side of you, the side that wants to move on without them and forget about him/her, if they truly loved you in the passed, they will then start to realize what they are about to lose. Its human psychology.

So if you've accomplished the first step on how to get your ex back. You are doing good and you are only a few steps away from being back together again. Honestly, this walk through can be followed by reading T Dub's Magic Of Making Up. Those next steps you will follow will make you get back with your ex, guaranteed. Its a proved technique that worked for over 6100 people around the world, so you do not need to doubt its effectiveness. Good luck!

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